Do you want more money, more free time, less volatility and stress in your practice? Perhaps you want to double your income while cutting your chair time in half. What effect would this have on your life?

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How do we know?

We are practicing dentists!

We own and actively manage 6 dental offices and have used the HPP BLUE PRINT to generate millions of dollars in revenue. These offices continue to thrive today in some tough, saturated markets with flat if not declining economies.


Where are you in your practice journey today?

-Struggling or challenging start-up or acquisition
-Profitable but want more freedom or more growth
-Ultra-successful practice owner but working too much or maybe you just want to optimize your operations and bottom line
-Group practice owner
-Multi-practice owner
-Want to cut back on your chair time or stop doing dentistry all together

High Performance Practice

Can Help You

Increase your revenue and profit

Increase your New Patient flow decrease patient attrition

Create an positive office culture so you actually enjoy coming to each day

Help you lead your teams to higher levels of performance and efficiency

Maximize your fulfilment in your career

Assist you in increasing your productivity through improved efficiency

Free up time for you to be with people, in places, and do work that brings you joy

How? A Customized HPP BLUEPRINT and step by step MAP to get you to next level results!

The High Performance Practice Guarantee: This applies to all of our coaching and mastermind members!!!

You will never be asked to experiment with or do anything that we have not already tried and tested in all of our offices.  

Why? b/c  We want to give you what we KNOW works vs. what WE THINK works. ‘I THINK’ never made anyone a dollar! We currently use these systems in our offices and KNOW they work.  

Everything we give you is what we currently use in our 6 multi-million dollar dental offices today!

That being said we are continually progressing and evolving in order to keep up with the ever changing demands in the profession from both team and consumers. Given this we update our systems to keep up with current market trends.

What you get today is what works today and not what worked yesterday or might work in the future.


You are welcome as a guest at any one of our offices anytime! See our systems in action, interview our motivated team, and see how we are able to stop micromanaging.


It gets cold in our neck of the woods so we encourage you to visit between the months of May to September… OR visit us in Florida where we reside 8 months out of the year. Yup! We oversee 6 multimillion-dollar clinics from a totally different part of the globe!

A word from our CEO

Dr. Justin Bhullar

Let me ask you this…….

Are your tired of team turn over, drama, or having to put out fires daily?

Do you worry about practice overhead and low profitability?

Are you looking for more New Patients?

Do you want to do more of the kind of dentistry you enjoy? Perhaps more high value procedures like implants, orthodontics, sleep apnea, or functional/cosmetic dentistry?

Are your fed up with patients coming in the front door and leaving out the back door without doing any treatment?  Or Nervous to present treatment because of the number of times patients responded negatively to the treatment plan?

IF YOU ANSWERED YES TO ANY OF THE ABOVE YOU ARE NOT ALONE!  The majority of dentists want or worry about these things whether they are willing to admit it or not.

So many dentists are tired, frustrated, and lacking fulfillment in their career. So much so it begins to spill over into their personal life. Leading you down a path of resentment and dissatisfaction.

Does this sound like you? It was certainly me for a period of time in my life. BUT It doesn’t have to be this way……the HPP BLUE PRINT includes proven systems and processes that can catapult you from where you are to where you want to be.


What our clients say



Fill out this form and Dr. Justin Bhullar will personally review it and set up a time to speak with you about a customized growth MAP for your office. Yes customized…in this market “cookie cutter” approaches do not work.

Your submissions are strictly confidential and will be treated as such. The more transparent and accurate you are in your submission the more we can help!

Learn more about what we do and how we do it by CLICKING HERE

5 more free gifts with tactical and implementable strategies to help you change your results today!

Complimentary practice profitability assessment and 30 minute phone call

Complimentary practice profitability assessment and 30 minute phone call

Complimentary practice profitability assessment and 30 minute phone call

Complimentary practice profitability assessment and 30 minute phone call

Complimentary practice profitability assessment and 30 minute phone call

Complimentary practice profitability assessment and 30 minute phone call

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