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Maintaining or increasing your revenue while stepping back from the chair is a priority for you!
Our proven High Performance Practice Blueprint is the step by step process to get you there
See what others have to say about Dr. Justin Bhullar!
Dr. Gill
We went through over 6 marketing companies over the period of a decade...each time because they lost their attention to detail as they grew larger and the quality began to slip...we have been with HPP Marketing for over 4 years and are have no reason to move on...they deliver a good service at good prices and are incentivized to keep doing so because they have no contracts that hold your feet to the fire like other marketing companies do.
Dr. Meyers
Low prices, good results, no contracts or hidden fees!
Dr. Ng
HPP Marketing does exactly what they say they are going to do....effective marketing, low cost and no contracts. This is what attracted us to them and also what has us sticking around 9 years later.
Dr. Sandhu
We have been working with HPP Marketing for 5+ years...within the first 3 months we were ranking #1 in SEO and grew our new patient base. We get good results at low costs which helps drive our profits, nothing but good things to say!
Dr. Cui DMD
Dr Bhullar has taught me so many things that they do not teach you in dental school. To name a few: He helped me triple my production in my first year of practice while still maintaining top quality dentistry, guided me through my first practice purchase and made it a breeze, provided me support in becoming a better leader for my staff members and managing difficult situations. and ultimately equipped me with a mindset that put me on the fast-track to success.
Dr. Thakkar DMD
Dr. Bhullar is very passionate about all aspects of dentistry! Whether it’s any clinical question or a staff related concern, he has a practical answer that is thorough and involves practical and tactical strategies that I can implement immediately. Dr. Bhullar is definitely an avid leader. He inspires, encourages, mentors and trains each member of the team to bring the best out of them. Dr. Bhullar has the key to unlock the door of success!
Dr. Amrita Sandhu
I have had Justin as a mentor both professionally and personally since 2015. Over the last three years, Justin has provided me with feedback and mentorship that has made me the person I am today. He has shown me the importance of stats and systems. It is through his constant reports of "the numbers" that showed me where I needed to improve and made me the efficient and productive dentist I am today. Throughout these last few years, any challenge I have faced or any question I had in regards to dealing with team members or office specific situations, Justin has provided me with genuine advice and support. Even when I was an associate he treated me like an equal and always empowered me to be a leader in the office”

John Formica
High Performance Practice is the secret weapon that every dentist and practice can use to achieve success in business!

Joe Theismann
Justin can help coach you to higher levels of performance

Kevin Harrington
Dr. Justin's experience, energy, and strategies will help you achieve the results you are looking for in your practice and business

Brian Tracy
The Information In Dr. Justin's Book, High Performance Practice: Management Marketing and Leadership, will keep your patients coming back for more!
Dr. Howard Farran
It's always great to see a dentist giving back to the profession, whether through teaching, motivating, mentoring, or even just sharing helpful advice among colleagues. Dr. Justin Bhullar is doing every one of those things here. "High-Performance Practice: Management, Marketing and Leadership" is a terrific reminder and teacher for all the things we, as wet-handed dentists, often overlook or simply forgot. Dr. Bhullar presents part motivational seminar and part practice management guide with meaty chunks of practical information, instructions, indicators, financial insights, and more. Good for seasoned dentists and even better for any doctor new to the business of dentistry. From start to finish, this book is a worthy title to keep close at hand.
The High Performance Practice Guarantee:
You will never be asked to experiment with or do anything that we have not already tried and tested in all of our offices.
Why? b/c We want to give you what we KNOW works vs. what WE THINK works. ‘I THINK’ never made anyone a dollar! We currently use these systems in our offices and KNOW they work.
Everything we give you is what we currently use in our multiple profitable dental offices today!
That being said we are continually progressing and evolving in order to keep up with the ever changing demands in the profession. Given this we update our systems to keep up with current market trends.
What you get today is what works today and not what worked yesterday or might work in the future.
Complimentary 30 minute phone call with Dr. Justin Bhullar to discuss your top 3 priorities/challenges
Your Free Gifts with tactical and implementable strategies to help you change your results today!
Limited Time Bonus Gift: Free 25 Page Report. Covid-19 and Beyond: 8 critical areas you must understand to survive and thrive