Daily Break Even Point
The rich dentist understands that the amount your earn minus the amount you spend is what you keep…..
The poor dentist also understands this but fails to take the time to calculate their over head expense.
Three Ways to Grow a Business
I am a big fan of Jay Abraham. If you haven’t heard of him, do a quick Google search and you will find a ton of information about him. He has written some amazing
To Own Or Associate: Consider DEBT and RISK!
This can be true depending on the circumstances. Below are some very basic factors to consider. It is not a comprehensive list, just food for thought.
Start-up vs. Acquisition
Start-up Considerations
Embezzlement is a very difficult problem to diagnose and remedy! It can dramatically affect your collection percentage and net earnings. You must tread warily here.
Collection percentage is not the only indicator of embezzlement. You may be meeting your expected
“What you do speaks so loudly, I can’t hear what you’re saying.”
– Ralph Waldo Emerson
Did you know that most doctors, dentists and other professionals don’t see their practice as a business? Though many will talk about being an
Decisiveness and intentionality are vital components of getting what you want out of life. Intentionality is the process deciding to take steps towards making a thought, idea, or desire a reality. It allows us to become focused and clear about
They Are Not Clear On Their Why!!!
Are you clear on your why?
Think back to when you first decided to pursue your profession and enter dental school. You knew it wasn’t going to be easy. You must have had
“Every line is the perfect length if you don’t measure it.”
― Marty Rubin
If you don’t have any data it’s very difficult to pursue objective moves. Without data, it stands to reason that every decision becomes emotional and reactive. Every
Corporate dentistry has some advantages which include but are not limited to the following:
Recruitment of talent through provision of incentives.
Training and continuing education.
Economies of scale (compete on price).
Marketing directors.
Centralized services to ensure cash flow
Dental practices only fail 1% of the time.
Define Failure For Me Please? This is unique to each person…..
I define failure in private practice as owning a practice that does not afford the dentist both Money and the Free