What You Need To Know And Understand About Creating A Successful Dental Practice
The More You Learn, The More You Earn
If you have someone in front of you who has done something that is worth modeling and you want it, stop talking. It doesn’t matter what you know. You are already going to leave with that information. You don’t need to prove to this person how much you know. All you need to do is take pearls of wisdom from this individual and go and apply it. Use it as a learning opportunity instead of an opportunity to sell yourself. Shut up and listen. Stop selling yourself. At this moment, nobody needs to hear what is in your mind, because you’re there to learn.
You may be thinking that you do listen. The next question to ask yourself is do you apply what you’ve heard? Do you resist it? The next time you are listening, try and pay attention to the times you stop listening or were angry or frustrated with what the individual was saying. I have learned the most about myself when I understand these moments. They were often when the presenter was stating facts I already knew but I either failed in the area or didn’t apply that knowledge in the past. That’s when the guilt, anxiety and subsequent anger or disengagement sets in.
Pay attention to that voice in your head and your emotions. It can be a tremendous benefit to help you get out of your own way and open up the floodgates to your future success and prosperity.
Warren Buffet reads five hours a day. Billionaire Bill Gates reads a book a week and has said that if he could have one superpower, it would to be able to read faster. Anthony Robbins has read thousands of books. The examples go on and on
Growing a high-performance practice and becoming part of the top 5% doesn’t happen by default. It is manufactured by design.
The goal is to learn from those who have preceded us so we can grow. The more you learn, the more you earn is pretty simple concept. Now, there is one caveat to that, which is the more you learn and apply, the more you earn. Knowledge is not power unless you use it.